So, how is Corbin Park?
by Ron's Brother 11-Apr-2002 06:50 PM

I see the Spokane is at 15,500 as of today. 
Anybody go there today? Yahoooeeeyy!  I won't
able to go there for a few days, so save some
me and have fun (can't wait to do some
unintentional squirts/mystery moves in the
boiling-whirpool eddy after blowing off the wave
(I refer to it as the
"Sweet Spot").  
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Messages In Thread
RE: So, how is Corbin Park? - by Nodin 12-Sep-2011 11:50 AM
RE: So, how is Corbin Park? - by Kira 13-Apr-2002 11:17 AM
RE: RE: So, how is Corbin Park? - by McHolehog 14-Apr-2002 09:30 AM

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